




Your Icecream Flavour is…Neopolitan!
You aren’t satisfied with just one flavor. They say variety is the spice of life and this shines through in your Ice cream of choice! Just don’t eat all the chocolate and leave the strawberry and vanilla behind!

Sepertinya ada benernya juga perumpamaan es krim neh… Satu poin terakhir yang aku dapet…

Sekilas tentang Neopolitan Ice Cream (aku baru tau loh.. ternyata kayak gini bentuknya…) Jadi es krim ini ada 3 rasa, Coklat, Vanila ama Strawberry… Yummy ya…

Deddy Huang
Deddy Huang
Storyteller and Digital Marketing Specialist. A copy of my mind about traveling, culinary and review. I own this blog
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  1. yap.. emang ada. Pikiran kita kan kalo es krim tuh rasanya ya tuh tuh aja.. (Ato gak tau biasanya di sebut apa).

    Neh ak jg baru tau, dan pas baca di… baru dapet jg 🙂

  2. Hmm… ada ya rasa neopolitan alias 3 rasa, vanila, coklat dan stroberi ah bukan favorit kalo ada 3

    tapi gambar yg dibawah enak bgt tuh…. pengen………


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Deddy Huang

Lifestyle Blogger - Content Creator - Digital Marketing Enthusiast

With expertise in content creation and social media strategies, he shares his insights and experiences, inspiring others to explore the digital realm.

Collaboration at [email protected]

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