Whether there is any reason why I participated in a trip. Simply because the brain it for me. More than that to find new experiences that may not be perceived as other people. The last thing I want to do before I go forever.

I see my high buildings, as if the building is currently challenging the sky
I see my scene, paving the rice fields.

I see my high buildings, as if the building is currently challenging the sky

I not see the river, in it to give me peace of mind

Wow indah melihat hamparan laut yg terbentang…
Dan merasa apa laut ini ada ujungnya?
beneran kan itu laut 😛
Yup betul… itu laut yang ada di Pantai Kenjeran, Surabaya 🙂
suka foto paling atas, ijo royo royo…
Yippie… ijo warna yang bawa tentram dan sejuk.
There are lots of opportunities to make your dreams come true…as long as u do something on it 🙂
Off course 🙂
Then come on over here… see how life is run..
Kind regards from West Africa..
Katanya kehidupan di Africa itu memilukan?
me too, me too, i love everyplaces, every scenes, let’s do it together next time pal
Oke deh jeng rika :D.. kemarin ke Jakarta nggak ada kabarnya yaaaaaaaaa :p
i love traveling too, mas huang.
shall we travel together?
tawaran diterima mbak 😀
🙁 No mountain.
Well, for me, if it’s about traveling with “back to nature” theme, i definitely will choose mountain over beach, sea, ocean, or river.
ada kok mbak, cuma lum saya upload fotonya.. hehehe 😀
ya saya setuju ama tema kalo back to nature 🙂
Amiin.. didoakan supaya bisa kesampean yak
terimakasih mbak ade.. >:D<
sayang aku ndak suka laut, bro. jadi ndak bisa ngajakin “ke laut aje”. hwehe…
mabuk laut ya?
ayo kita jalan-jalan…..
kemana mas podelz?