I Hate




I hate when I can’t come straight to hug you,
when I’m excited and wanna let you know how happy I am..
I hate when I can’t find your shoulder to cry on,
when I’ve lost my energy to stand up on my own feet..

I hate when you can’t be by my side to walk with me,
and let other guys think twice before asking me to go out..
I hate when you tell me about a mysterious call coming to you,
and I even can’t see what number it is..

I hate it when I have to sleep or watch movies to wash away my bad mood,
instead of calling you at noon to tell you about everything..
I hate at that time I have to wait so long till you coming back from the office at night,
just to hear you say through phone: “everything will just be all right..”

I hate to wait so long before I can hold your hand when you drive,
and tell you a funny story of mine..,
In that way, I can hear your guffaw of Ha-Ha! and see how you can’t stand it,
even you’ve to hold your stomach and hardly keep the wheel in the right direction..

I saw the shooting stars,
and made a wish to bring you here..
I hate when I found out that nothing happened,
and finally start to think that the legend is a lie..

I hate when I know you’re having stomach ache or just a simple dizzy,
and I can’t even help to ‘puk3? your head to make you comfort and feel fine..
I hate that even the first-aid-kit box I gave you can be there,
and not meeeeeee…

Hate this! Hate this! Hate this!
I hate being in a long distance relationship!!

Don’t tell me that I am so selfish,
as I know I am..
Don’t tell me that it is not love,
as I hate these because I love you so much..

Knowing that I can do nothing about it,
I will just sit and wait here,
until your next coming home..
But please.., hurry-up..!

Source: Unknown (NN)


Tulisan diatas gw dapet dari fesbuknya temen yang ditulisnya dalam notes. Waktu gw baca, gw jadi inget temen-temen gw yang sedang menjalanin LDR (Long Distance Relationship), dan inget ama seseorang yang dengan polosnya karena kangen ama pacarnya yang jauh sampai-sampai dia memeluk guling! (Bayangin pembaca, guling! :mrgreen:) khayalannya itu guling sebagai pacarnya. Omigod… fingerscrossed

Pesan moralnya LDR itu pilihan dan bayangin indah-indahnya aja deh. Hitung-hitung menguji kadar kesetiaan kamu. (Eh neh khan yang ada di kuisnya fesbuk: Seberapa setia kamu?)

Deddy Huang
Deddy Huanghttps://deddyhuang.com
Storyteller and Digital Marketing Specialist. A copy of my mind about traveling, culinary and review. I own this blog www.deddyhuang.com
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  1. meluk guling kalau di-english-kan lalu di-indonesia-kan lagi artinya meluk istri org belanda… 😛 wah, padahal lagi LDR, kok peluk2 istri org … namanya nggak setia dong ya…

  2. oh oh oh

    gw dah kenyang ma LDR 4 kali

    dan gagal smua wahahahha

    hm… pada dasarnya buat orang yang needs of affection nya besar seperti eike rada sulit buat LDR an…

    dan bermasalah dengan yang namanya kepercayaan

    ya salam deh :p


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Deddy Huang

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