BerandaIdeaA Teacher's Prayer

A Teacher’s Prayer




Hari ini ku ada karena kamu!

Sungguh rasa bangga tersendiri aku bisa turut hadir di ceremony pelepasan siswa-ku. Bangga melihat perjuangan mereka tentang bagaimana mereka di kelas. Keributan yang mereka buat. Sekarang mereka sudah harus dilepas karena memang inilah saat yang dinantikan dari proses belajar selama 1 tahun tersebut.

Dari arah jauh aku mulai mengenalin satu per satu siswa-siswaku satu tahun yang lalu. Dan aku yakin orangtua mereka juga akan bangga sama anak mereka. Pasti.


I want to teach my students how–
To live this life on earth,
To face its struggles and its strife
And to improve their worth.

Not just the lesson in a book,
Or how the rivers flow,
But to choose the proper path,
Wherever they may go.

To understand eternal truth,
And know right from wrong,
And gather all the beauty of
A flower and a song,

For if I help the world to grow
In wisdom and grace,
Then I feel that I have won
And I have filled my place.

And so I ask your guidance, God
That I may do my part,
For character and confidence
And happiness of heart.

A Teacher’s Prayer by James Metcalf

p.s : Semoga kalian menjadi bintang-bintang yang bersinar!

p.s : Teruntuk siswaku, maafkan saya jika selama proses belajar ada kesalahan yang saya perbuat. Dan kalian merasa saya belum maksimal dalam mendampingin kalian.

Deddy Huang
Deddy Huang
Storyteller and Digital Marketing Specialist. A copy of my mind about traveling, culinary and review. I own this blog
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  1. thanks…to teach me,sir…!!

    u r a patient and good teacher…that ever i have..!!

    once..again thank you so much…^_~

    Huang : Wah.. Sawal bisa dapet blog saya… Yup, sukses ya untuk ceremonynya 🙂


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Deddy Huang

Lifestyle Blogger - Content Creator - Digital Marketing Enthusiast

With expertise in content creation and social media strategies, he shares his insights and experiences, inspiring others to explore the digital realm.

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