BerandatravelThe Travel Intern Project

The Travel Intern Project




Okay, here I start to write proposal to reach you, Hendric aka @pohtecktoes. For me this is my first essay to write in English on my blog.

First, let me introduce myself. I am Deddy Huang, local blogger from Palembang. Still remind me? I guess no, because I am not invited for 2nd FAM Trip from Tourism South Sumatra. But, I know you from GMT’s event.

This in my last minute, because when I blogwalk to Pohtecktoes, I found the article about The Travel Intern. So, I don’t think twice… just click Apply and fill the beautiful form :mrgreen: At my last minute moment, I do a project created on social media about my resume. Yes… I would like to be The Travel Intern for 3 month with you, off course.

I would like to share my thought process and end results here:

I was browsing 7 ways to stand out from the crowd, and how busy you are to search hashtag #TheTravelIntern.  I had about creating a 3 x 4 grid with collase on my profile Instagram. Simply, just about myself, my backpacking in style, where I have been and who I met inspiring people. Then, how my daily life to explore Palembang from the culture, art, local people, and food! I made it all from Photoshop, and using editor video.

Wish my resume could representative for candidate as The Travel Intern. As you told that what to expect. Maybe it is not about money. But the essential about travelling and share to other. You only live once, right? So I want to make my legacy. I am so intrest and excite because this program could make me learning new knowledge about travel blogging, content marketing, and social media marketing in a dynamic startup. There is not quiet fun job such as doing our passion. Last, yeah.. kind internship experience could add to my Linkedin’s profile.

You do not have to bother about me, because I can take care myself. I have my own notebook, camera, and smartphone. About content blog, you could see on my blog but in Bahasa. And then, my passport are validity >6 months. I am ready to residing in Singapore, what a nice place. I am dreaming writing blog content with cup of coffee from the best Singapore view.

You will not regret to pick me as your travel intern, just give me a chance, i am from local blogger want to prove that hey i made it too! Travelling and share to you. Last, but not the least… want new passport stamp to the Land of The Rise Sun :mrgreen: Arrigatou.

Deddy Huang
Deddy Huang
Storyteller and Digital Marketing Specialist. A copy of my mind about traveling, culinary and review. I own this blog



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Deddy Huang

Lifestyle Blogger - Content Creator - Digital Marketing Enthusiast

With expertise in content creation and social media strategies, he shares his insights and experiences, inspiring others to explore the digital realm.

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