BerandaIdeaIf there's ain't Option

If there’s ain’t Option




Ambil waktu rehatku sebentar untuk menulis sesuatu. Seorang teman menyapa saya melalui FB.

Teman (T) : how do yo do?

Huang (H) : getting well

T : where are u? how abt ur sunday?

H : sedang mengajar.

T : i think today is holiday. actually, today am is sad. no friend to talk much each other. im really need a friend rigth now

H : ya sama saja, no friend too tapi hidup harus tetap berjalan kan.

T : right. on the couple month i just talk with my mother is much, but thats not enough. life is hard. i talk to my mom that i thing anything i do all is wrong why it happen to me but moms say that it’z life son. you must keep going.

H : pilihan terakhir bunuh diri, tapi gw nggak mau.

T : what do you talking abt. come on… killing ur self is not an answer.

H : emang, hehe jadi jawabannya apa dong

T : life has many option… the question is what i can handle it all main is the key… what did you think it gonna be happen may be on the past i was think abt what happen today… lonely, and no friend and it just happen today is result from thinking on the past i must change it. i know that is hard. but i must faith to will pass

H : law of attraction?

T : thats the issue

H : mm..

The Secret.

p.s : Disaat masalah sedang hadir menguji diriku. Ku ingin memilih untuk percaya.

Deddy Huang
Deddy Huang
Storyteller and Digital Marketing Specialist. A copy of my mind about traveling, culinary and review. I own this blog
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  1. Jangan berpikir terlalu keras Pak…

    Ada yang memang berat untuk dijalani, ada banyak masalah, ada rasanya kita tidak ingin membayangkan lebih dari yang bisa kita bayangkan saat ini…

    Tapi toh mau tidak mau hidup tetap berjalan ke depan.


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Deddy Huang

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With expertise in content creation and social media strategies, he shares his insights and experiences, inspiring others to explore the digital realm.

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